domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

criminal complain against axa, pt state and others the court can confirm by all, in this last weeks, came again many subjects around france, french company’s, and connections with large killings in france, images sarkozi, angel markel, junker, berlusconi, and at the same time, it seems arise again some attack trough axa, concerning an assurance of retirement complement, by all this large picture, where also recently I remember one of the big robber of intellectual property done by a french company , jc decaux, robber that is also mirror in this illusion trough the portuguese medias, with the active participation of some ministers of the actual government, I also give to the court the account on this new crime that is going on right now....

read more at new child blog of a conspiracy crime
with the name, accusation against companys, where i publish all the constant persecutions also done bt distint companys that are run or infiltrated by the terrorists

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